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Free, Printable To Do Lists for the Homesteader

These free printable to do lists are designed to help us homesteaders to keep track of all our projects, our shopping lists and weekly schedules! These free printable to do lists are designed to help us homesteaders to keep track of all our projects, our shopping lists and weekly schedules!

Time to get stuff done! These free printable to do lists are designed to help us homesteaders to keep track of all our projects, our shopping lists and weekly schedules!

I’m always working on about 72,456 projects at once.

Sometimes, I’ll even finish one of them!

There’s no denying that building a homestead is a big job, whether you have a 1/4 acre or 200 acres! There are always a million things to get done. I sometimes even get overwhelmed just trying to remember everything that I need to do. Enter, the to do list!

To do lists are like coffee a good cup of coffee – I have to have one everyday and there are usually about 2-3 half-finished ones laying around the house. My to do lists are also just like all the other projects that I do — I have a hard time finishing one before I start another! I’ll be crossing through items on my list and then all of a sudden, I’ll start a brand new list. By the end of the week, I usually have scribbled pieces of paper everywhere.

Yikes – that’s a pretty chaotic way to organize everything I need to do! Does it sound familiar to your life at all?

Free to do lists designed with homesteaders in mind!

In an effort to get my shiz together, I decided that what I needed was a really good to do list. Not just any to do list. A to do list that actually fit my crazy homesteading life!

I searched around the internet and came up empty-handed… which is strange, because I would have thought that the crazy-homestead-to-do-list market would be a booming one! 😉 Left with no other choice, I created the to do lists myself. And I put chickens on them! Because, well… do you really need a reason?? I mean it’s a chicken – you can never have too many!

Anyways, here is a snazzy photo I took of the to do lists. This way, you can see how beautiful they look on the one clean corner of my table, sitting next to my half-drank cup of semi-cold coffee. Also, funny story – I got stage fright trying to think of awesome things to write on the lists for the pictures so that they would look purposeful and beautiful — unlike the ones that I scribble all over in real life. After all, who wants to see a picture of a to-do list that says “pick up dog poop”? Speaking of which, I better go put that on my list….

I’m sharing these to do lists printable pages with you all! They are completely free — all you need to do is download them and print them out! There are three different lists and each one is a little bit different:

The “To Do This Week” List:

Free to do lists designed with homesteaders in mind!This list will help you keep track of everything you need to get done this week. For each day of the week, you can fill in your appointments, errands and items that you plan to complete.

The “Get It Done” List:

Free to do lists designed with homesteaders in mind!This list is awesome for jotting down all the things you need to get done. It’s divided into four categories to keep things a bit more organized. The categories are: Indoor To Do’s, Outdoor To Do’s, Animal To Do’s, and Other To Do’s.

The “Make Today Awesome” List:

Free to do lists designed with homesteaders in mind!This list is going to be your best friend for keeping track of errands and meal planning! There is a space for your shopping list, a space for to write down the errands you need to do, and a space to plan out your weekly meals. (By the way – do you see how that says “buy eggs”?!  Yeah, my chickens got a much needed vaca over the past couple winter months!  Thank goodness that stage is over for the year!)

I plan to one day create an awesome command center by the front door where I will post these lists and keep everything organized. Yet one more project that I will probably start and finally finish three years later. Hmmm, I better add that project to the to-do list! I hope you all enjoy these to do lists and that they will help you conquer the day… or at least the laundry pile!

Happy homesteading, y’all!

For even more organization inspiration, get our FREE HOMESTEAD MANAGEMENT BINDER!

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Get organized with these free printable to do lists designed for homesteaders and urban homesteaders!



  • Kaylee Vaughn

    Kaylee is the Founder of Rootedrevival.com. She has set up and run two homesteads, a one-acre in Idaho, and her current two-acre dream homestead in the Pacific North West. Her qualifications include a Permaculture Design Certification from Oregon State University, and she is a Gardenary Certified Garden Coach. Kaylee currently produces at least 80% of her own food. She contributes to our site through articles, training and coaching to our clients. You can read more about her at rootedrevival.com/kaylee-vaughn

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    1. I’m so glad they help! I’m the same way – I have to have it written down because nothing feels better than crossing it off! I *may* even be guilty of putting completed items on lists, purely so that I can cross them off! ?

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