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2020 Homestead Management Printable Binder

It’s back! The 2020 Homestead Management Printable Binder is completely updated and ready for you to print! Check out how to use it to organize your homestead and then grab your free copy from the Freebie Library!

Get ready to make 2020 the best (or at least the most organized!) year yet! The Homestead Management Binder is back and bigger than ever with 47 printable pages!

And, it’s got a brand new theme for the year: “Rooted in the Good Life!”  …get it? ‘Cause root veggies?? ? Or am I the only one who thinks I’m hilarious?! But for real, we are celebrating everything good about being rooted in the homestead lifestyle this year!

As always, the Homestead Management Binder is still 100% free. Please use it, enjoy it, and spread the word about it! Your shares, likes, pins and recommendations allow me to be able to continue creating awesome posts and projects just like this one! And, if you want more of the good stuff, sign up for my monthly emails so you are always in the loop!

Now, let’s talk about the binder! If you’re an old friend and you know the drill, skip on over to the Freebie Library and download your 2020 Homestead Management Binder!

If you are new around here, keep reading to learn more about the binder, how to use it and how to get your free copy! Also, hello new friend! I’m Kaylee!

What’s Included in the 2020 Homestead Management Printable Binder:

The 2020 Homestead Management Binder includes 47 printable pages full of goodness! Pretty sweet, right?! Here’s what’s included:

  • Cover
  • Homestead Management Pages:
    • Monthly Progress Report
    • Monthly Project Lists
    • Downtime Project List
    • Customer Contact List
    • Homestead Resource List
  • Garden Management Pages:
    • Garden Design
    • Planting Tracker
    • Seed Inventory
    • Garden Chore List
    • Preservation Log
    • Garden Journal
  • Animal Management Pages:
    • Egg Collection Log
    • Animal Acquisitions Log
    • Animal Sales & Losses Log
    • Medical Supply Inventory
    • Animal Health Record
  • Kitchen Management Pages:
    • Kitchen Cheat Sheet
    • Food Preservation Log
    • Freezer Inventory
    • Pantry Inventory
    • Canned Goods Inventory
    • Long-Term Food Storage Inventory
    • Herbs & Herbal Product Inventory
    • Grocery Shopping Checklist
  • Financial Management Pages:
    • Expense Pages:
      • Garden Expenses
      • Animal & Feed Expenses
      • Equipment Expenses
      • Infrastructure Expenses
      • Repair & Maintenance Expenses
      • Business Input Expenses
      • Miscellaneous Expenses
    • Income Pages:
      • Garden & Produce Income
      • Animal Income
      • Handmade Item Income
      • Homestead Services Income
      • Miscellaneous Income
  • Annual Financial Overview
  • Back Cover

How to use the Homestead Management Binder:

Now, on to the exciting part – grab your 3 ring binder, your page tabbies and your sheet protectors! Yes, I am one of those people who geeks out on office supplies and I’m not ashamed to say it! Getting my new new Homestead Management Binder ready each year has become one of my favorite ways to prepare for the upcoming year!

You can honestly set up your binder however you want! Feel free to customize it to fit your homestead. Here are some ideas to help you get started!


  • In the Freebie Library, you can choose to download the entire binder or each of the sections individually. This makes it easier to print out just what you want and need for your homestead!
  • You can print the pages either double sided or single sided. I would recommend that you print the title pages for each of the sections single-sided though. I do this so that I can slip the title pages into a sheet protector with a stickie tab on it so that they acts as divider pages. This makes it super easy to flip right to the section I need!  I also print the animal health record double sided since it is designed to be printed front and back.
  • For some pages, like the expense and income pages, you might want to print enough to have one page per month to easily organize your expenses/income. Or you can combine multiple months onto one page and just tally each month as you go. This is usually what I do so that I don’t have to print new pages as often.

Creating a Binder:

  • You can print your binder pages at home and hole punch them so that they fit in a 3-ring binder. Slip the front cover page and the back cover page into the clear protector on the binder to make it look official! Or, you can really get fancy and take it to a print and copy store to have your binder pages spiral bound once you have them in the layout you prefer.
  • I personally print out each of the sections and split them into two different 1-inch binders. I put all of the animal pages in their own binder along with my animal registration papers and health reference information that I’ve collected over the years. Everything else goes in my primary homestead management binder, except for a few of the kitchen log sheets which I keep near the freezer or on the fridge.
  • Get creative! Add sticky tabs to separate the different sections, include envelopes and page protectors to hold receipts, add daily planner pages, keep sticky notes handy by sticking a stack of them inside the binder cover, etc. The important thing is to make your binder work for you!

How to download the 2020 Homestead Management  Binder:

To download the binder, you will need to access our Freebie Library. And, no, this isn’t some kind of trick so that I can grab your email and send you spam pictures of my chickens everyday! The Freebie Library is just a place where you can easily find all the cool free printables that I offer! No tricks, no gimmicks, just awesome free printables!

To get access to the Freebie Library, you will need a password. If you already have the password from signing up in the past, just sign right in and grab your copy of the binder! If you are new, sign up with your name and email address and you will automatically be emailed a password to access the library. Be sure to check your spam/junk folders if you don’t see the email within a couple minutes of signing up (the email will be sent from [email protected]).

Once you sign into the Freebie Library, you will have the option to download the entire binder, or download just the sections that you want!

Click the button below to sign up/sign in to the Freebie Library and get your copy of the Homestead Management Binder!

If you love it, share the love – Pin it! 
2020 Homestead Management Binder


  • Kaylee Vaughn

    Kaylee is the Founder of Rootedrevival.com. She has set up and run two homesteads, a one-acre in Idaho, and her current two-acre dream homestead in the Pacific North West. Her qualifications include a Permaculture Design Certification from Oregon State University, and she is a Gardenary Certified Garden Coach. Kaylee currently produces at least 80% of her own food. She contributes to our site through articles, training and coaching to our clients. You can read more about her at rootedrevival.com/kaylee-vaughn

View Comments (22) View Comments (22)
  1. Thank you so much for the work you’ve put into this.

    Once I found it, I couldn’t resist reading the rest of your site and look forward to returning as I go through your pages.

    Beautifully simple and concise so far (I used to work in Web Architecture) so Kudos on a well rounded site with valuable info!

    Keep it up!

  2. This looks amazing! I love organization tools, so this is right up my alley. I love that you can print just the parts you need as well. What a great way to track the “fruits” of your labor. 😉

  3. Wow – this binder is truly comprehensive! I should print a copy out and put it in a nice binder for my mom for Christmas. She really needs to be better organized with her gardening and she’s adding chickens next year. Her pantry and freezer inventories are always getting out of sync with reality, too, because she doesn’t keep lists in a consolidated place.

  4. Love the design! It’s really exciting to see all of the resources available for making homesteading easier. I hope to implement more of a homesteading lifestyle over the years after we purchase our own home.

  5. I love this!! We used to have goats and a garden but we just couldn’t keep up with everything… I really want to get back to that and be more self-sufficient, especially with another little one on the way!
    I think this would definitely help make things more manageable and keep us on track!

  6. These are really thorough! I love that you included project lists, even for down time. I live my life by my lists. The only thing I’d need to add in is stuff for the kids homestead chores, etc.

    What a blessing that you have this resource available for free!

  7. I would love to sign in for these amazing resources but my password won’t work 🙁 Not sure if there’s an updated one…it’s been a long time since I first signed up but that password isn’t working. Any help?

    1. There will! I am in the process of working on it now. It should be ready to go in early December so keep an eye out for it. I also send out an email to everyone on the email list as soon as it’s ready! 🙂

  8. I tried to get to the home management binder- and basically it takes me in circles – where I have to put the password in and then it acts like it is working but when I click to get to the pages to copy it takes me right back to where I have to sign in. 🙁

    1. Hi there! Here are a few things to try if you are having problems entering the password:
      – The password is case sensitive
      – If you have been copying and pasting, try typing it in instead
      – You can try a different internet browser
      – If you have pop up blockers, you can try turning them off
      If none of these work, please email me directly at [email protected] so we can make sure you get your copy of the binder! 🙂

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