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Project Zenstead is Now Rooted Revival!

I am excited to announce that some changes are happening on the blog! These changes will make the blog more useful and applicable for you as you build and grow your garden and homestead!


A little background…

As a wise man (Tracy Byrd) once said, “the only thing that stays the same is everything changes”. If you are a classic country music fan, hopefully that song is now stuck in your head. You’re welcome. 

Songs aside though, life is constantly changing. But there has been one constant in my life since I was a small child: I have always wanted to do something (anything!) that helps people and that helps the earth. 

When I was in college, I had a very hard time deciding on a field of study. I bounced back and forth between psychology, health promotion, early childhood education and veterinary science. I felt lost. I felt like I couldn’t find my “thing”. And that feeling didn’t change throughout my career life in my 20’s and into my early 30’s.

Each time that I have tried to seriously think about what I want to do with my life, there was only one answer that was continually whispered by my soul and my mind: “to help”. But how could I help people when I couldn’t even find a proper career?

We are all designed to do something. It’s in us from the time we are born. There’s a reason I grew up as a wild-haired child with dirty hands and bruised knees. A reason that I have always felt deeply connected to animals and nature. And a reason that I have always loved education and spreading knowledge to whomever will listen. 

We are all uniquely suited to do something very special. However, it doesn’t always look like what you (or society) thinks it will.

It wasn’t until just recently that I really began to understand this. I have something that I am uniquely suited to do that can help people and help the earth. I am a gardener and a homesteader. And I was made to share that knowledge and passion with others.

I believe that each and every person has a basic human right to full transparency about where and how their food was grown. And I believe that having access to healthy foods is also a basic human right. I believe that knowing how to grow your own food changes lives. I believe that learning how to care for our earth and our own bodies supports us mentally, emotionally, socially and physically. 

Growing food changes lives and it has the power to transform entire communities.

Over the past five years, I have immersed myself in learning how to live a more sustainable life. I’m still not an expert and I’m by no means “finished” with this journey. But I do feel like I am at the point where I can look back over my shoulder and start really helping those who aren’t as far down the road as I am. 

Now that I understand my purpose more clearly, I feel compelled to share it in a much more real and applicable way with those who want to learn.

Changes are coming to Project Zenstead!

Because of this shift, I’m making some exciting changes to this blog:

Change #1: Project Zenstead is now Rooted Revival

Starting in April, the name of this blog will change from Project Zenstead to Rooted Revival. 

When I started this blog, we had barely begun our journey into sustainably living and homesteading. We were “failing forward” and figuring out everything as we went. We called it a “Zenstead” because we didn’t even consider ourselves “real” homesteaders. Which I now realize how silly that was! And we called it a “project” because we weren’t sure what the outcome of all those life changes would be.

Now I know the outcome of that project! We are firmly rooted in living our lives in a way that supports ourselves and our earth. The new name, Rooted Revival, reflects that. 

I know that now, more than ever, we need a revival of the home garden and sustainable living practices. We need each and every person who is able to do something for themselves and their community – whether that is reducing their consumption, growing some plants on a balcony or starting a 50 acre permaculture farm.  

Rooted Revival is a way to reaffirm that we are firmly rooted in the practices of the past: growing our own food, using our resources wisely and doing our best to support ourselves and our community. It also reaffirms our commitment to share this passion with anyone who wants to learn. This is how we will start a revival of the home garden. 

Rooted Revival is a commitment to rooting ourselves in the practices of the past while caring for the earth, reconnecting with our true selves, and sharing our passion to create a revival of the home garden and homesteading lifestyle.




Change #2: More Educational & Applicable Content

The content that I publish on this site will largely remain the same but with some minor changes. You can still expect to see my raw truthfulness and bad puns show up on a regular basis. And I will still share our personal homestead progress – especially now as we start from scratch on our new property!

In the past, I only felt comfortable sharing some of my experiences because, in many ways, we were learning by failing. However, I now feel that I am finally at the point in my journey where I can begin to concisely and accurately share my knowledge in many areas including: seed starting, gardening techniques, animal management, food preservation, homestead design and homestead development.

Basically, this site is shifting to focus on YOU and your homestead journey! If you have the desire and passion to start gardening and homesteading, I will be here to help you! In order to do this, I plan to start writing posts that will be full of applicable information to help you as you build your garden and homestead!



Change #3: Garden & Homestead Coaching + Design Services are Coming!

I take homesteading and gardening seriously, because I know that it has the power to change lives, our community, and our earth for the better. 

As I work towards creating real change in the world and in my community, I know that I need to start treating this as a true profession. If I want there to be a revival of home gardeners and people growing their own food, I need to treat it as a career that is just as important as any other career. Like farming, gardening needs to return to being the respected profession that it is. 

And here’s the part that is most compelling to me: We can create a change in the world simply by being proud of what we were created to do! If I treat gardening, homesteading and family farming as a highly regarded profession, others will start to treat it that way too. And all of those little wild-haired and dirty-handed children (like I used to be) won’t have to feel lost about how to use their skills and passions simply because the world has told them that what they are skilled at isn’t a “true” profession.

In order to further my professionalism and to better support YOU (my faithful and long-suffering readers), I will be working towards receiving my Permaculture Design Certificate this spring. This will help further my knowledge of homestead and garden design techniques, so that I can better help you as well as those in my own community.

I will also begin offering garden and homestead coaching and design services. This will allow me to be able to provide one-on-one customized support to those who need and want it. My goal is to be able to help people overcome the overwhelm of starting a garden or homestead by designing a personalized and detailed roadmap that they can follow as they create a garden or homestead that fits their needs and desires. I am currently working on setting up my business models and testing them out on a few “guinea pig” clients. Hopefully, I will be ready to fully launch these services by mid-summer but I will keep you all posted.


Let’s Start a Revival!

I am truly excited for these new changes that are taking shape. I am excited to have a clear direction of how to use my skills and passion to help more people. I have worked very hard over the years to make this blog useful for you all and I know that these changes will only continue to improve it. 

You have all made it possible for me to share my knowledge and my passion by reading my words and sharing them. For that, I can’t thank you enough! During this exciting time of changes, please know that I am available to answer any questions that you might have. 

Let’s remember that all it takes to start a revival in our own homes, our communities and our world is to make one small change… and then another one… and another. Together, through small and big changes alike, we can create a revival. 

You CAN create the garden and homestead of your dreams. And I’m here to help you.



  • Kaylee Vaughn

    Kaylee is the Founder of Rootedrevival.com. She has set up and run two homesteads, a one-acre in Idaho, and her current two-acre dream homestead in the Pacific North West. Her qualifications include a Permaculture Design Certification from Oregon State University, and she is a Gardenary Certified Garden Coach. Kaylee currently produces at least 80% of her own food. She contributes to our site through articles, training and coaching to our clients. You can read more about her at rootedrevival.com/kaylee-vaughn

View Comments (8) View Comments (8)
  1. Right on Kaylee! You (both of you) be powerful and centered. It’s a good feeling isn’t it? Rooted Revival will carry on in a deeper way and PZ brought you here, how fun to see the growth and dedication. Just one question, when will the Tee shirts be ready?

  2. Congratulations, Kaylee & Lindy! I am happy for you with the move and the name change, but more importantly for you to have found your vision and calling. I hope that it all works well for you. Find your passion and work your passion.

    I have enjoyed reading your blog posts and feeling your optimism and positive vibe. I also like your freebie items, still using the 2019 egg collection chart. I second the t-shirts!

    1. Thank you, Kim! It was quite the adventure – a stressful adventure! But one that was completely worth it. I am shocked at how much we love it here. For moving to a completely new state (site unseen on a wing and a prayer!), everything worked out amazingly well! We absolutely love our home, the property and our town. Providence was watching over us for sure! 🙂

      P.S. have you checked out the new 2020 egg collection chart? I mixed it up this year based on some requests. Let me know which format you prefer. Or maybe I will include both the monthly and a yearly format in the 2021 binder. 😀

      P.S.S. Shirts and some other fun stuff coming soon-ish! *squeals with joy!*

  3. I am SOOO glad my fingers stumbled upon you on Pinterest yesterday! I am enjoying reading through and seeing from where you came to where you are. I look forward to learning more so I can feel like a homesteader on my property. Going to read more so bye for now!

    1. I’m so happy you stumbled over here too! The wonderful thing about homesteading and growing your own food is that it truly is adaptable! We grow with it and into it as we learn and our skills progress. Plus, it’s so adaptable to any life stage, property size and interest level! We can all do as little or as much as we want and choose to move slowly or quickly with it. But, the most important part is just doing it! That’s how you find the parts of it that truly bring you joy and peace! Looking forward to hearing from you in the future! 🙂

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