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2018 Homestead Management Binder

The Homestead Management Binder is a free printable resource to help you organize and track your homestead happenings! The Homestead Management Binder is a free printable resource to help you organize and track your homestead happenings!

The Homestead Management Binder is a free printable resource to help you organize and track your homestead happenings!

Christmas may be over, but I seriously feel like one of Santa’s elves right now! I have been busy working on updating the Homestead Management Binder over the past month and I am so excited to announce that the 2018 version of the Homestead Management Binder is finally ready!

As always, the binder is 110% free! Seriously!

The binder started very simply several years ago as a way for me to keep track of our expenses and projects as we built our homestead. I figured if I was going to make the binder, it only made sense to share it with my fellow homesteaders. It’s my gift to you in hopes that it will help make your homestead journey a little easier!

The Homestead Management Binder is a free printable resource to help you organize and track your homestead happenings!

What is the Homestead Management Binder?

Many of you are already familiar with the Homestead Management Binder and have used it in the past. For those of you who are new to it, the Homestead Management Binder is a free printable resource to help you organize and track your homestead happenings. Each page is designed to help you be able to track your plans, projects, expenses, income, etc. and to record your progress year-to-year.

This is awesome! A free printable 39 page Homestead Management binder for homesteads of all sizes!

What’s New in the 2018 Homestead Management Binder?

In the 2018 Homestead Management Binder, you will find all the same pages that were in previous versions as well as some new pages. There’s also some darn cute succulent graphics, cause who doesn’t love a good succulent, right?! Some of the new pages include a 2-page livestock health record, livestock purchase and sale logs, a seed inventory and more! The 2018 binder is also arranged into sections to make it easier to organize and print just the pages that you need.

This is awesome! A free printable 39 page Homestead Management binder for homesteads of all sizes!

What’s Included in the 2018 Homestead Management Binder?

The 2018 Homestead Management Binder includes the following printable pages:

  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Homestead Management Pages:
    • Monthly Progress Report
    • Monthly Project Lists
    • Downtime Project List
    • Customer Contact List
    • Homestead Resource List
  • Garden Management Pages:
    • Garden Blueprints
    • Planting Tracker
    • Seed Inventory
    • Preservation Log
    • Garden Journal
  • Animal Management Pages:
    • Egg Collection Log
    • Animal Purchase Log
    • Animal Sale Log
    • Medical Supply Inventory
    • Animal Health Record
  • Financial Management Pages:
    • Expense Pages:
      • Garden Expenses
      • Animal & Feed Expenses
      • Equipment Expenses
      • Infrastructure Expenses
      • Repair & Maintenance Expenses
      • Business Input Expenses
      • Miscellaneous Expenses
    • Income Pages:
      • Garden & Produce Income
      • Animal Income
      • Handmade Item Income
      • Homestead Services Income
      • Miscellaneous Income
  • Annual Financial Overview
  • Back Cover

This is awesome! A free printable 39 page Homestead Management binder for homesteads of all sizes!

How to download the 2018 Homestead Management Binder:

The Homestead Management Binder is free! Yippee! To make my life (and hopefully your life!) a little easier, I created a Freebie Library where all the free printables are located, including the Homestead Management Binder. To get access to the Freebie Library, you will need a password. If you already have the password from signing up in the past, just sign right in and grab your copy of the binder! If you are new, sign up with your name and email address and then you will automatically be emailed the password to access the library. Be sure to check your spam/junk folders if you don’t see the email within a couple minutes of signing up (the email will be sent from kaylee@rootedrevival.com). Once you sign into the Freebie Library, you will have the option to download the entire binder, or download just the sections that you want!

Click the button below to sign up/sign in to the freebie library and get your copy of the Homestead Management Binder!

When you sign up, you will also start getting our monthly email. Because I hate spam and inbox clutter as much as you, I only send an email once a month that contains helpful insight, tips and freebies. If it’s not your cup of tea, feel free to unsubscribe.

This is awesome! A free printable 39 page Homestead Management binder for homesteads of all sizes!

How to use the Homestead Management Binder:

Honestly, how you use it is completely up to you and what works best for your homestead! I’ve shared these ideas before, but they still hold true for the 2018 version!

  • Print Only What You Want/Need: You may not need all of the pages, so don’t feel obligated to print them all. You can print pages as you go, or print everything you will need for the year.
  • Combine Pages to Save Trees: I’m sure there’s a little tree hugger in us all, so don’t feel like you have to print a new expense or income page for each month if you don’t need it. I usually combine multiple months onto one page and just tally each month as I go.
  • Create a Binder: I usually print out at least one of each of the pages to begin with (I add more as needed), hole punch them, and place them in a 3-ring binder. Next year, I would really like to print an entire year’s worth of pages and take them to a copy & print shop to have them bound so that I have a nice, professionally bound book to use throughout the year.
  • Add Extras: The sky is the limit! Add sticky tabs to separate the different sections, include envelopes and page protectors to hold receipts, add daily planner pages, keep sticky notes handy by sticking a stack of them inside the binder cover, etc. The important thing is to make your binder work for you!

I hope you all enjoy the binder as much as I do! Cheers to making 2018 a wonderful year!

Share this sweet find with your Pinterest friends!This is awesome! A free printable 39 page Homestead Management binder for homesteads of all sizes!SaveSave








  • Kaylee Vaughn

    Kaylee is the Founder of Rootedrevival.com. She has set up and run two homesteads, a one-acre in Idaho, and her current two-acre dream homestead in the Pacific North West. Her qualifications include a Permaculture Design Certification from Oregon State University, and she is a Gardenary Certified Garden Coach. Kaylee currently produces at least 80% of her own food. She contributes to our site through articles, training and coaching to our clients. You can read more about her at rootedrevival.com/kaylee-vaughn

View Comments (8) View Comments (8)
  1. This is so wonderful, thorough, and incredibly thoughtful of you to share. Thank you so much! I can’t wait to start using it-perfect way to start the new year out more organized.

    1. Hi Sue! If you signed up, you should have received a welcome email. It will have the password for the Freebie Library. If you don’t see the email in your inbox, be sure to check your spam/promotions folder in case it ended up in there and be sure to mark it “not spam” so that you get our future emails! 🙂 If you need any more help, feel free to email me directly at kaylee@rootedrevival.com and I will be happy to help!

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