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2021 Homestead Management Binder

The 2021 Homestead Management Binder is here to keep your homestead life organized! Plus, if you are ready to get your homestead life back on track, I have just the thing for you! Keep reading to find out more!

It’s baaaaack! And it’s bigger and better than ever!

Say hello to the 2021 Homestead Management Binder!

It’s hard to believe, but this is the SIXTH edition of the Homestead Management Binder! I have no idea how it’s been that many years already! I still remember when I hit “publish” on the very first edition back in 2016. At the time, I had about 5 readers… 2 of them being my faithful parents! ? So if you missed that first edition, don’t feel bad – most people did!

I’m so happy that the Homestead Management Binder has such a large and faithful following now! I honestly appreciate each and every one of you who stops by the blog to read and share! Which is why I am committed to offering the Homestead Management Binder every year!

I guess this is the awkward part where I introduce myself…

So, I’m Kaylee. A homesteader, fur baby mama, plant addict and organization freak (the 4-H’er in me will always want to keep records!). We have a two acre permaculture homestead in Western Washington. Fun fact: I’m currently designing a public food forest for a local park! Other fun fact: We moved from Idaho to Washington in 2020 and accidentally left a chicken behind. ??‍♀️ ??‍♀️ But enough about me! Let’s talk about the Homestead Management Binder!

The Homestead Management Binder is my way of saying “thank you” to each and every one of you! I appreciate everything that you are doing to build a more sustainable life and to make the world just a little bit greener! It’s not an easy way to live, but hopefully the Homestead Management Binder can make the bookkeeping part of it a little easier!

And, just a reminder, this blog is my passion project. It’s my way of giving back and supporting the homestead community through sharing knowledge and support tools (like the Homestead Management Binder). My goal is get everyone growing and to reclaim their food freedom by starting their own Rooted Revival! 

If you like what you see on Rooted Revival, here are a few ways that you can help me out:

  • Share, share, share! If you see something you love on here, please tell people about it by sharing IRL or on Facebook/Insta/whatever-fancy-new-social-media-thingy-people-use-now
  • Follow me on Pinterest and pin this post (or any other post from this blog!)
  • Follow me on Instagram (it’s where I share the most!) or on Facebook.
  • Make sure you are getting my emails and they aren’t ending up in your junk folder. It’s the best way to stay up to date and get good info and freebies!
  • Read to the end of this post. I have a brand new product that I am so excited to tell you about! And even if it isn’t right for you, there may be someone in your life that you can share it with in order to help them. (See how I circled back to that “sharing is caring” thing again?!) ?

All About the 2021 Homestead Management Binder:

What’s new this year?

The 2021 Homestead Management Binder has everything that was in the last edition, but with a few new pages that readers suggested over the last year. And, of course, there’s a brand new theme: “Evergreen State of Mind”. Maybe it’s because we moved to the Evergreen State this year, but I must say this is my favorite design ever! It’s clean, simple and pure – just like that fresh mountain air! And I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Printing & Organization Tips:

The awesome thing about the Homestead Management Binder is that it’s fully customizable! You can honestly set up your binder however you want. Make it fit your homestead! Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  • In the Freebie Library, you can choose to download the entire binder or each of the sections individually. New this year, there is also a file that is formatted for double-sided printing! 
  • For some pages, like the expense & income pages, you might want to print enough for each month of the year. Or, for the animal health records, you may want to print multiple copies so you have one for each animal.
  • You can print your binder pages at home and hole punch them so that they fit in a 3-ring binder. Slip the front cover page and the back cover page into the clear protector on the binder to make it look official! Or, you can take it to a print and copy store to have your binder pages spiral-bound once you have them laid out how you like them.
  • I personally print out each of the sections and split them into two different 1-inch binders. I put all of the animal pages in their own binder along with my animal registration papers and health reference information that I’ve collected over the years. Everything else goes in my primary binder, except for a few of the kitchen log sheets which I keep near the freezer or on the fridge.
  • Get creative! Add sticky tabs to separate the different sections, include envelopes and page protectors to hold receipts, add daily planner pages, keep sticky notes handy by sticking a stack of them inside the binder cover, etc. The important thing is to make your binder work for you!

How to download the 2021 Homestead Management Binder:

Access the Homestead Management Binder in the Freebie Library. You will need a password to access the Freebie Library. If you already have the password from signing up in the past, just sign right in and grab your copy of the binder! If you are new, sign up with your name and email address and you will automatically be emailed a password to access the library. Be sure to check your spam/junk folders if you don’t see the email within a couple minutes of signing up (the email will be sent from [email protected]).

Once you sign into the Freebie Library, you will have the option to download the entire binder, or download just the sections that you want!


Plus, I have something new & special for you in 2021!

Over the years, my goal has always been to help people create their dream homestead + garden. I want you to be able to start living your best self-sufficient life, right now, right where you are, no matter what life throws at you! 

In talking with so many of you over the years, it became clear to me that there were a few consistent factors keeping people from living their best lives. The primary stumbling block that people kept mentioning?


There’s never enough time to do it all. And, boy, do I feel that struggle, despite so many people asking me how I manage to “do it all”! (The secret: I don’t do it all! But what I do, I do with intention.)

So, I decided that if I truly wanted to help people find a way to turn their homestead dreams into homestead realities, time management skills would be the best way to start! Because we can all learn how to breed a goat, start seeds or fix a fence. But if you can’t manage your time efficiently, none of those skills matter. You will always feel like you are living in pure chaos. And that’s a feeling I think we all would like to avoid!

So, how do we go from chaos to feeling like a success as we build our homesteads? Success is a unique thing for homesteaders. Because homesteading isn’t a normal modern life!

Frankly, a lot of the time management systems and planners out there just don’t work for us homesteaders. If you’ve lived this way for any matter of time, you know that you will never be “caught up”. And that the chaos isn’t going away! So, instead, we need to learn how to work with the chaos and how to manage it in a way so that it doesn’t derail us.

I’ve heard from so many of you about your frustrations and I’ve been listening! Over the past year, I’ve been working on something special to help. I honestly wasn’t planning to launch it so soon. But, if there’s a chance that it can start helping people develop their best homestead lives ASAP, why wait?!

Introducing the Rooted Life Planner + System:

Yup. It’s a daily planner! But it’s not just any planner.

The Rooted Life Planner is an undated 12-month daily planning system designed with the homesteader in mind.

Listen, I have spent waaaay too much money over the years on planners that simply don’t work for a lifestyle like mine. This, my friends, is my personal planning system: one that I have developed through years of homesteading when nothing else seemed to work. And I’ve been working slowly for a while now on adapting it to work for a wider group of homesteaders.

But a planner only works if you have a system right? Otherwise it might as well just be a paper weight. (Believe me, I have a STACK of unused planners that I’ve collected over the years!) This planner isn’t going to be like that! It’s going to be your best friend: the “go-everywhere-together-I’m-so-happy-to-see-you” kind of best friend!

But it’s not just a planner…

This planner isn’t just a planner. It’s a planning system. As a bonus, The Rooted Life Planner comes with lifetime access to the “Get It Together” boot camp which will teach you how to manage this crazy life, navigate the chaos, and come out feeling like the success that you actually are! The boot camp will be hosted in the new online Facebook community, which is your place to share ideas and talk with other people who actually get your life!

I can’t offer it for free like I do the Homestead Management Binder. But, this is an investment that will support you (and your dreams!) all year long. And, if you buy it before Jan 15, 2021, I’m doing introductory pricing (10% off)!

I can’t give you more time. But I can support you as you build your dream homestead + garden.

You can learn how to build a time management system that actually fits your life! Because, at the end of the day, you deserve to see progress and feel pride, not frustration. 

Click here to get your Rooted Life Planner!


  • Kaylee Vaughn

    Kaylee is the Founder of Rootedrevival.com. She has set up and run two homesteads, a one-acre in Idaho, and her current two-acre dream homestead in the Pacific North West. Her qualifications include a Permaculture Design Certification from Oregon State University, and she is a Gardenary Certified Garden Coach. Kaylee currently produces at least 80% of her own food. She contributes to our site through articles, training and coaching to our clients. You can read more about her at rootedrevival.com/kaylee-vaughn

View Comments (9) View Comments (9)
  1. That is an amazing tool that each homesteader must-have. I love the idea of a planning system that makes every homesteader proud and satisfied at the end of the day.

    1. Hi Kay,
      Please try the following things. If that doesn’t solve the issue for you, please email me directly at [email protected]. 🙂

      – The password is case sensitive
      – If you have been copying and pasting, try typing it in instead
      – You can try a different internet browser
      – If you have pop up blockers, you can try turning them off

  2. I am having the exact same problem as Kay Kelly. I even tried opening it in a different browser yet nothing seems to make a difference.

  3. I’m interested in your homestead planner. I was looking for one and your was the first. It seems to have things I’m looking for. Thank you.

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